Thursday, October 4, 2012



Aftter watching Percy Jackson and the lightening thief with my four year old i couldnt stop thinking about a medusa inspired photoshop. This is the end result. Hope you enjoy

In Greek mythology Medusa (GreekΜέδουσα (Médousa), "guardian, protectress")[1] was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as having the face of a hideous human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Gazing directly upon her would turn onlookers to stone.

All original creations by myself - xo

Create change

Creating Change

When i was young i always thought i would do something with my life. I am 24 and although i have done many wonderful things, i haven't really felt like i have hit the invisible mark that i set for myself all those years ago.

The are many things that inspire me in this world I found another last night. Its called playing for change, its connecting the world through music.

Maybe you have herd of it and maybe you haven't. If you haven't check out the link it makes me smile everytime.

Letter to a friend News article

Queensland Parliamentary Library

Newspaper article from
Courier Mail
Tuesday 23 August 2005

Page 005
Downloaded from Newstext 

Road speed, inexperience blamed for deaths of four teens 

TOUGH new laws to cut road deaths among young drivers were announced yesterday as Townsville reeled from a horrific crash that took the lives of four teenagers. 

Dwayne Morrison, 17, had held his licence for five days before he and three friends were killed in his vehicle. 

Police said yesterday speed and inexperience contributed to the accident on Saturday night. 

Dwayne, his girlfriend Kahly Anne Thompson, 16, and her best friend Kaitlyn Lee Wright, 15, were killed instantly when the car slammed into a tree off Cape Pallarenda Drive about 10.20pm. 

Dwayne's best friend, apprentice boilermaker Shane Daniel Cronin, 17, died despite desperate efforts by emergency service workers to save him. No one in the car survived. 

Yesterday police ruled out rumours that a second car may have been involved in the crash. 

Townsville officer-in-charge, Acting Inspector Dale Last, said he had interviewed five youths travelling in the car behind Dwayne's and excessive speed and driver inexperience were strong factors in the crash. 

"The length of the skidmarks and the extent of the damage to the vehicle leaves no doubt in my mind that speed was involved," Insp Last said. 

Dwayne's sister Aleria, 19, said her mother had often spoken to Dwayne about the dangers of speeding. 

She said Dwayne and Kahly, who was in the front passenger seat, had been inseparable since they started going out at high school. 

"Her parents and my parents have come together and the funeral is going to be together," she said. "They are going to be buried beside each other." 

At the Cronin family residence yesterday, Martin Cronin said he was finding it hard to come to grips with losing his son, who was his "good friend and good mate". 

Mr Cronin said his effervescent son had only just found himself an apprenticeship and was just starting to become "his own person" in life. 

Transport Minister Paul Lucas will today introduce legislation into State Parliament to apply tougher penalties for people involved in illegal street racing. 

They will face a six-month licence suspension that also applies to drivers caught travelling at more than 40km/h over the speed limit. 

Mr Lucas also said he would soon release a discussion paper examining options for reducing road deaths among the young. 

He said the paper would canvass all youth safety initiatives, including curfews, passenger limits and driver training. 

Queensland's road toll rose again last night when a Gold Coast man, 38, became the 12th person to die in 72 hours. 

Proserpine police Sergeant Stephen O'Connell said the man, a truck driver, had apparently fallen asleep at the wheel on the Bruce Highway between Proserpine and Bloomsbury, near Mackay, about 4.20am.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Letter to a friend

Dear Shane, it has been seven years. seven years since we spoke or since i have seen you. we were both young and firstly i am sorry. I'm sorry because i was so angry, i am sorry because i was filled with hatred, not for you but for the world. i was convinced that everyone and everything was out to get me. I was paranoid and depressed. I couldn't see your light, i knew it was there and that is what drew me near you but i was so sure that everything was going to collapse in on itself that it never occurred to me to let go of the things i couldn't control. I miss you, i feel you with me but the logic is telling me to be realistic and the emotional side is telling me to believe. I dream of things that happened and things that could of. 

Things i want you to know...
I want you to know that i think i have grown. 
I think i have finally learned to relax a little and that things aren't always going to end badly. 
I don't hate the world anymore and i have learned that the world never turned its back on me i turned my back on it. 

I learned that sometimes things happen for a reason and sometimes life deals you a hand you just have to deal with. I miss you and want you back so badly. I dream of you often and sometime i even think i am going a little crazy. There were many times i awoke not remembering until reality hit me like a truck. Please know that there is not a day that goes by that i don't think of you. My heart breaks every time i think of you and i even cry in sad movies now. 

I still remember your favorite movie and song, i remember when you were Santa at the christmas party and i remember asking her to make me look beautiful so you would notice me.I remember the hours and huge phone bills. i remember the night i looked into your eyes and walked away and i remember when we kissed. 

People say that you cant be in love at that age, but there was something. I don't know what it was but i loved you with every ounce of my being. The way i felt about you was more that i have felt for anyone. You will always be my first love and my heart will continue to break everyday i think about you and all you missed. 

There are so many regrets i have for you, you never got to get married and have babies. You never got to graduate or experience all the wonderful things of life. 

I love you.

Shane Daniel Cronin passed away at 17 in a car accident with three other friends. I grieve for shane everyday and although i am married now and have a child of my own there is not a day that goes by that i dont miss him.

BE BRAVE in life...